consummate home
consummate home
who we are
Welcome to Consummate Home!
Your go to resource for everything Black to help you create a well home.
Our team of creatives provide the very best solutions for your perfect home. From our concierge services, one-on-one interviews, buying guides, and DIY how-tos, our mission is to show our diaspora making their own homes more beautiful via trusted experts, photos, and video.
Because it's our favorite
morning ritual
Because your home is
your sanctuary
Because you're capable of
creating the life you deserve
a message from our founder
In March of 2020, like many others, I was laid off from my luxury-focused employer when COVID-19 hit. I witnessed too many of my peers have to shutter their lifestyles and businesses because they were invested in systems that never had the desire to protect or cater to them. I decided to be a force that shows up for those of us facing the same struggles as myself. Consummate Home™ was created with the goal of divestment from a life that I knew was never going to truly serve me and those that look like me.
According to Nielsen, our diaspora spends approximately $1.2 trillion dollars a year domestically. What would happen if those resources were directly distributed among our community?
Your home is your sanctuary. I want to help you create a well home and lifestyle that is designed with you in mind from the very beginning.